Current State of API Threat Protection
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    Attacks Go Undetected
    To generate potential revenue streams and business opportunities, enterprises are increasingly making their business applications and data available through APIs. Unfortunately, APIs have a larger attack surface resulting in more consequential breaches.
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    One-off-Coding by Developers
    Developers are expected to code for security. Expecting each and every developer in an enterprise to build hacker-proof API code gets harder as the API ecosystem grows.
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    Point-in-Time Solutions
    Current solutions provide only a static snapshot of threats, rather than a dynamic view of their full lifecycle. This ‘look once’ approach is not effective against today’s sophisticated, targeted attacks.
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    It is a Firewall Problem
    General purpose and even web application rewall and Intrusion prevention systems while critical as a rst-line defense don’t provide extensive parameter-level security
APIs Increase Attack Surface (vs. web apps)

As this diagram illustrates, APIs move the function granularity boundary out to the client, giving a hacker much greater attack surface to work with.

Sec2_Dg1_APIs Increase attack surface
A Better Path Forward
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    Every API Call Inspected and Secured
    APIDefender is a frontline security gateway operating at the API level. APIDefender inspects every API call in every application enforcing macro OWASP-10 rules to enterprise-specific policies such as whitelists, rate thresholds and more.
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    Complements your Existing Framework
    APIDefender is designed to work as a second-layer complement to your traditional firewall. It can be deployed standalone, or, as a frontline security gateway to API Managers such as Apigee. In the cloud or on-premise.
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    No Coding Necessary
    APIDefender works inline – one-off- security coding by developers is virtually eliminated. Developers get back to doing what they love to do – build awesome apps!
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    Future Proofed Architecture
    Whether its protection against a new threat, a new threat variant, new IoT protocol or new threat intelligence data source, APIDefender is architected to be fully extensible.
APIDefender is Perfect for...
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    Online Commerce

    APIs deliver strategic value for the future of business whether an online commerce enterprise pursues internal APIs, open web APIs, or B2B APIs. APIDefender secures and protects web services and REST APIs against malicious attacks, including Denial of Service (DoS), code injection and other threats with built-in security and Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities.

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    API Ecosystems

    APIDefender is well-suited to be a frontline API security gateway for cloud API Providers with large communities of developers/consumers. APIDefender is multi-tenant, highly scalable, and deployable in the public or private cloud.

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    IoT and Sensors

    On the Internet of Things, data flows from devices to the cloud, from the cloud to back-end systems, from users back to their devices — all enabled by APIs. APIDefender can monitor traffic to guard against malicious man in the middle API attacks, protecting sensitive information, from  connected cars, connected homes and other Internet-connected “things.”

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    DevOps Security Monitoring

    With APIDefender deployed, devops personnel can understand activity-level API usage within apps, detect non-compliant behavior and anomalies to ensure usage compliance.

Key Benefits
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    Protect your APIs in real-time. Every call.

    Beats looking for threat patterns in point-in-time static snapshots

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    Reduce developer complexity

    Eliminate one-off coding for security by developers

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    Deliver uniform API threat protection across external, partner and internal APIs

    Apply security policies at an API, API domain or enterprise level

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    Deploy API threat protection faster

    In minutes, versus days or weeks

APIDefender Compared...

Compare for yourself and see why APIDefender is your best frontline API threat protection solution. Even better, try it out for yourself.

API Threat Protection Feature APIDefender API Managers (e.g Apigee) CASB (e.g Skyhigh) DDoS (e.g CloudFare) Firewalls (e.g PA Network)
Real-time inline protection Yes No No Yes Yes
Point-in-time Static snapshot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTTPs Traffic Inspection in real-time - Payload, Headers, Cookies, Body Yes No No No Yes
OWASP-10 XSS / SQL /JSON Injection/Brute force attacks Yes No No No Maybe
Circuit breakers and rate limits Yes Yes No No No
Geolocation blocking and Blacklisted Origins Yes No No Yes Yes
Threat Intelligence - Public Repository Support (e.g., CAPEC, XForce, Surbl. other) Yes No No Maybe Maybe
Going beyond RESTful HTTPs/XML/JSON - future-proofed for IoT protocols such as COaP, XMPP, MQTT Yes No No No Maybe
Complementary to API managers, firewalls, DDoS services Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A